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Cold rolling mill rolls

Cold rolling mill  rolls
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Product Name:Cold rolling mill rolls
Place of Origin:Peoples Republic of China
Post Date:October 25, 2009
Edit Date:October 25, 2009
Company Name :
Detailed Product Description:
  • Brand Name: Baosteel Roll
  • Place of Origin: Jiangsu China (Mainland)

The largest professional manufacturer of cold forged steel rolls in Asia.
ISO9001: 2000 ISO14001:2004 OHSAS18001


As the largest professional manufacturer of cold forged steel rolls, CBR is striving for world advanced technology, leading roll manufacture in China, and providing excellent products to meet the needs of Chinese cold rolling industry. The core products of forged work rolls, intermediate rolls and backup rolls, which share 70% of the domestic cold forged roll market, affect every technical progress in Chinese steel industries.

By the application of materials in a series of Cr2, Cr3, Cr5 and semi-HSS, CBR develops ultra-depth hardened rolls, anti-rolling mark rolls, anti-hydrogen corrosion rolls, high-tensile alloy rolls and satisfies its customers by providing tailor-made services.

For years, CBR has provided strong support for steel groups in the Chinese cold rolling industry, such as Baosteel Group, Anshan Iron and Steel Group, Wuhan Iron and Steel Group, etc.  Products have been exported to many countries, such as Japan, USA, Russia, India, Brazil, Turkey, Korea etc. CBR will persist in the research and study of advanced technology in order to serve its customers.

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